Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Project All Natural

I've mentioned a few times on here how passionate I am about ending human trafficking. And while it's a huge problem, there's still so little awareness about how many millions of people it effects, and how it's not just in developing countries, but it's in our backyard; it's happening in our cities, in our neighborhoods, sometimes even in the businesses we frequent.

And yet, we stay so quiet on the subject.

We shouldn't.

Today, January 11, 2011 is National Human Trafficking Day, a day to raise awareness about the victims of this terrible crime. So, today, we're going to say something.


By going without makeup for a day and choosing to embrace our inner beauty instead. There is a beauty within all of us that no one can sell, that no one can take away from us. That's what we're trying to tell these survivors because chances are, no one else has.

By participating in this project you are…

•Choosing to be confident in your naked face
•Choosing to show your daughters that they will always be gorgeous no matter what
•Choosing to raise awareness for the 12 year old being raped about 20 times a night (stats from the A21 campaign)
•And most of all you are choosing to love the face that was specifically given to you.

So, here is how we're going to do this:
1. Tweet about this project. Talk about your experiences going without makeup. Use the hashtag #ProjectAllNatural. Use the link http://bit.ly/projectallnatural and use the photo above (courtesy of the previous link).

2. Talk about this to people! Tell them what we're doing here! Blog about it, talk to strangers at the grocery story about it, etc. Explain why you're going without makeup and challenge others to join in and raise awareness.

If you choose to join in, tell me about how it goes! I'll be posting a photo of myself without makeup, so feel free to do the same.

edit:// Here's my photo from today. Have you guys taken photos without make up?



  1. This is even dumber than the bra / cancer awareness thing on Facebook.

  2. Thanks for posting this, Valorie. I'll be joining you today to help raise awareness. :)


Commenting? How lovely. Please try not to talk about dead cats.