Monday, April 11, 2011

basically, I just miss coffee. there, that summarized this whole post for you.

{totally unrelated to this post: I didn't take this picture, but I totally own those same coffee mugs. IKEA for the win!}

So, I gave up coffee for two weeks. If you read the title, you probably don't need to read the rest of this, but if you're really curious, this is how I feel about it so far:

Withdrawals. Withdrawals, withdrawals, withdrawals. Withdrawals. WITHDRAWALS. Withdrawalswithdrawalswithdrawalswithdrawals. Withdrawals, withdrawals. Withdrawals. Withdrawals. Withdrawals.

Caffeine headache. Caffeine headache. Caffeine headache. Caffeine headache, caffeine headache, caffeine headache, caffeine headache; caffeine headache. CAFFEINE CAFFEINE HEADACHE HEADACHE. Caffeine headache. Caffeine headache. Caffeine headache, caffeine headache, caffeine headache. Caffeineheadachecaffeineheadachecaffeineheadachecaffeineheadachecaffeineheadache.



  1. i couldn't do it. i mean, i WORK in a coffee shop. temptation would just be too great...

  2. i haven't had coffee in a couple days either and i really am starting to miss it too. so i sort of feel your withdrawals, sort of.

  3. HA. I haven't had coffee (well, with the exception of about three sips of an Americano yesterday) all week because I've been sick and tea's just sounded better. I don't think I have EVER intentionally cut it out though. Sometimes I cut back because too much makes me anxious but I LOVE MY COFFEE.


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