Link up with Lauren at the Little Things We Do to fill in your blanks!
1. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing Christmas music loudly and obnoxiously while passing out delicious holiday treats, like candy cane bark which is the best thing ever, by the way .
2. The thing I love most about Christmas is spending time with my family. Getting ready for the holidays can be stressful, but the time together is so worth it .
3. The holiday season is a time for reflection and goal setting. It's a time for thinking about what you got out of this year and what you want out of next year .
4. My favorite thing to eat at the holidays is peppermint anything, except peppermints. I straight up hate peppermints. But anything flavored with peppermints is the best.
5. I will be spending Christmas with all my family on my dad's side. We all go to Grandma's house and hang out for a few days.
6. Tis better to (give or receive?) give! I mean, everyone loves to receive, obviously. But giving is better, more heartwarming.
7. I'm dreaming of a cold Christmas. It would be nice to have a white Christmas, but I don't think I've ever had a white Christmas ever. It would be nice though.
What are you guys doing for the holidays? Do you travel to see family, or stay home? Share your plans. :)
Oh my gosh, peppermint bark is a MUST this time of year. I love that stuff! Santa even put a bar of it in my stocking this year. :p
If you like the peppermint smell, you will LOVE the Organix Tea Tree Mint shampoo. It smells delicious. Thanks for visiting my blog!