Sunday, May 3, 2009

On Life

Carpe Diem. It’s a Latin phrase from a poem by Horace, written between 65 and 8 BCE. The full line actually says “aetas: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero” which in English roughly mean “Sieze the day and place no trust in tomorrow.” I freaking love that phrase. I’m pretty sure I like it better as just “carpe diem;” the “place no trust in tomorrow” part seems rather pessimistic, and while I understand it’s supposed to say that we’re not supposed to assume we’ll have tomorrow to do anything, I like to keep things positive and hope that there will be a tomorrow to enjoy as well.

I know that not everyday can be happy and peppy and positive (heck, today wasn’t happy or peppy) but I do know that we have to spend each day living, because if you don’t live today, when the heck will you?

Carpe diem.

1 comment:

  1. This takes me back to the days of Timmons, not just because of Dead Poet's Society, but because we basically had conversations on these sorts of things frequently. <3


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