Monday, April 30, 2012

the journey to choosing a life of freedom versus being chained to a life I don't want


I think I've told you guys before about my experience with Joy Juice, right? It's 120 lovely prompts designed by Molly over at Stratejoy to help gutsy women get unstuck, boost their confidence, and chase their dreams. Joy Juice is what helped me go from a bleak and boring corporate future to starting my own gutsy wedding photography biz, and I can't thank Molly and the wonderful women who blog for Stratejoy enough for inspiring me to do that.

I'm still on my Joy Juice journey, and today I wanted to share a prompt with you guys that particularly inspired me recently. The theme of one of the months is Freedom, and this prompt comes from that month. In the email, Molly asked us to reflect on:
What am I grateful for today? What am I thankful that I have uncovered about my freedom? 

What seems like the juiciest pieces about freedom for which I'm grateful?
When I first read that I was like "Dude, I don't know. I'm broke. I barely have the 'freedom' to eat good food." But then I started really thinking about what Molly was asking me to reflect on, and came up with this, which I wrote in my journal:
Today, I'm grateful for having the freedom to choose what to do with my day - for being able to pick to go out or stay in or whatever. I'm thankful that I've uncovered that. I'm grateful that just today I've realized that freedom is a choice - that I can choose to be free to do whatever I want or choose to be chained to a life that I don't want.

That's a juicy thing to realize. It's awesome that, in a way, I've already chosen that even without knowing it. I'm already choosing and moving toward that life of freedom through my photography business and choosing art and writing over corporate and blah. It might be hard some times, but it's worth it and I'm grateful for that.
I am the captain of my ship; I fly with my own wings.
God, yes, I do regularly get that cheesy in my own journal. Total cheeseball, right here.

That was actually one of the shorter responses I had to one of Molly's prompts, but it was perspective-changing. Now when I am being annoyed by the tediousness of Google Analytics and marketing my wedding photography biz, I remind myself that this is the freedom I chose, it's the freedom I'm continuing to choose, and even though it's tedious sometimes it's still a life I love.

The inspiration. We all need it, am I right?

*For the sake of legal stuff, yes I am an affiliate with Stratejoy. That means that while Molly didn't pay me to write this post, I would get paid a little if you used any of my links to invest in Joy Juice. I'm an affiliate because I genuinely believe in the power of Joy Juice, and I think you should experience it for yourself.


  1. amen girl, amen. i'm almost done with school and then i will really feel like i'm the master of my own fate, and that's a little bit scary but a lot exciting! i can do whatever i want! hooray! you are an inspiration, you know that? :)

    1. Aww, thanks Natalie! :) You CAN do whatever you want and you're going to be awesome at it!

  2. I like this a lot. Over the last year I've been struggling with trying to figure out where I want to be and what I want to do, and sometimes I get bogged down with feeling like I gave up on my old dream too early and that I was a wimp for quitting. But I did feel shackled to it in a way that was stifling me, so while I'm in a place now that is still pretty uncertain... I like the idea that I chose freedom. Good words! :)


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